This is the best way to get started on your journey and to introduce yourself to the power of breathwork!

View "The Abundance Activation Bundle"

It is time to claim your truth, your gifts, and your worthiness.

This manifestation journey is everything that I have learned in my 20 year quest of self development streamlined into 8 experiential weeks that will ignite nothing short of a complete metamorphosis in your life.

View my life-changing course, "The Metamorphosis"

"I started working with Alyse at a time in my life when I was discovering myself deeply. It was during a big life transition when it was difficult to make decisions about what I was meant to do. Alyse helped me find the clarity to make life more transparent and easy to navigate. Alyse is a very caring person who will always do her best to help people. She is also a no nonsense kind of person who will tell you the ugly truth you need to hear when the time is right. Since working with Alyse my life has taken many positive turns. Through her work and other tools I have acquired over the years I have been able to get over big difficulties involving getting into school, financial difficulties and addictive behavior patterns."

- Edward

Hi, I’m Alyse

Alyse discovered breathwork at the age of 19 and was transformed by it. She healed an eating disorder and overwhelming anxiety. She felt that, through this work, she was able to understand herself in a completely new way, and felt empowered to create the life she had always dreamed about. She was able to let go of old family patterning, limiting belief systems and began to take responsibility for her life in a new way.

Since then she has been on a journey of personal growth and self discovery. Breathwork had such a huge impact on Alyse that she has felt compelled to share it with people. Alyse believes so strongly in breathwork because she has seen the impact it has had on her clients, as well as herself.

Alyse has now started to bring her psychic abilities into her work with clients, using these gifts to see exactly where you are holding stuck energy and then guides you to release it through the breath.

Alyse trained with Tony LoMastro and Maureen Malone at the Philadelphia Rebirthing Center where she completed three Nine Month Breathwork Trainer Programs and two Teacher Trainer Programs. Alyse also studied breathwork and trained extensively with Sondra Ray. Alyse is a certified yoga teacher and has a Masters Degree in School Counseling. Along with teaching breathwork, Alyse teaches meditation to children and is a mom to two children and wife to her husband Matt.