The Metamorphosis Method™

A Certification Program for the New Paradigm.

Master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma and step into their highest timeline.

Acceleration. Calibration. Creation.

Learn to masterfully work with the technologies of the new earth to guide others to step into the new paradigm. This is a program that will accelerate your growth AND add an entirely new dimension to the work you’re already doing with your clients.

Welcome new earth leaders, paradigm shifters, systems busters, and lightworkers!

Most likely you have landed here because you deeply understand that leading the way in creating a new way of living on planet earth requires deep trauma work, “the great work” as some call it.

I have created a methodology to streamline this work and make it as concise and efficient as possible.

You will master these tools and be able to utilize them in your practice to help your clients create a massive paradigm shift.

Because I know that all the women coming into this program are highly spiritually gifted, you will be able to take my methodology and make it your own, adding it to your toolbox to become part of your acumen as we step forward together in creating the new earth.

This certification is for:

  • New Earth Leaders
  • Spiritual Entrepreneurs
  • Coaches
  • Healers
  • Quantum Experts
  • Those of you who are ready to take your business to the next level

If there's one thing that's a non-negotiable when it comes to growing your business, or when it comes to personal growth in general is you HAVE to heal your trauma. In order to create the life you know you were meant to live, addressing it head on is a requirement.

I have created a streamlined process to do this that is unlike anything that exists on the planet

Combining over a decade of experience working with traumatized children and my wildly potent abilities to work in The Akashic Records and the potent frequencies that come through my galactic lineage I have created a system THAT WORKS.

And I'm going to teach you how to use it so you and your clients can get the fast and powerful results that you desire.

Here’s what you will master in this program:

  • How to facilitate breathwork for your clients
  • How to channel energy work for your clients
  • How to use my proven methodology from the Metamorphosis to facilitate deep transformation rooted in healing familial and ancestral trauma
  • How to become embodied in being “trauma informed” by mastering my proven trauma framework

Here’s what you’ll receive in this

9-month certification program:

Two training and support calls per month

($5000 value)

These include live training on how to use my methodology, how to facilitate breathwork, how to channel energy work and get all of your questions answered. These calls will also include watching myself and other students model and practice the tools we are learning about with my support and guidance. The calls are held every other week to give you time to integrate the teachings and practice with your partner.

One on one practice sessions

…invaluable ;)

You will be required to facilitate 1 practice session per month to master the tools that you are learning. You will also receive 1 practice session per month!

Lifetime access to all course material

($18,000 value)

The Metamorphosis Course Material (it is required that you go through this material during this program if you haven’t done it already as it’s a prerequisite to be able to become certified to use my methodology)

Written Transcriptions and Recordings of all Trainings (yours for life)

($10,000 value)

All training calls will be transcribed and uploaded into your portal which is yours for life along with the call recordings so you always have access to the information.

Training Manual/Workbook

($1000 value)

This is an overview of my methodology and the body of work that I have created. You will use this in tandem with the calls and practice sessions

Private Community Support

($5000 value)

Receive daily support from Alyse and the community of women in our group which is a safe space to ask all questions and receive guidance in between calls.

A listing on my site as a certified Metamorphosis Method™ consultant

…the gift that keeps on giving ;)

This sacred transformational journey will be calling to you if…

  • You are called to help others transform their lives so we can create a collective paradigm shift

  • You are a spiritual entrepreneur who’s fiercely dedicated to being a leader in the great awakening

  • You understand that the alchemization of trauma is a non negotiable as we create the new earth

  • You are committed to your own evolution and contributing to the evolution of humanity

  • You’re ready to work with an experienced spiritual mentor to elevate your business and calibrate to your highest timeline

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